Now that I'm starting to feel better I am getting back at it. I did get the canopy over to a local hot rod paint shop who did an excellent job in finishing the canopy and getting it painted. I needed to have that done before I could attach the canopy to the fuselage. With that out of the way I'm progressing there.
The series of videos below are my getting the fuel tanks sealed up and attached to the leading edge of the wing. This part ended to get done so I could get the wings tucked away and move the bench against the wall to open the space up for more work. Thankfully once I got the rear part of the tank on, they sealed up nicely and went onto the wings super smooth.
I also spent some more time running some wires in the rear fuselage potion of the plane. As of this posting I really feel like I've gotten this taken care of - unless of course I find something else to change my mind on...
Another thing I addressed was how the rear seat bench stopper was configured. In the videos I talk about this a bit. The "C"-channel for the lower portion of the forward most rib can only go in one direction - and I'm certain I have it in correctly. The problem is the way the stop mounts there are a minimal number of rivet holes for it to connect. So I fashioned a bracket to go in-between the open space and create a more rigid mounting point.
Items coming up in the next few weeks will be getting the firewall forward on, engine mounted and avionics installed.